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Messages - dclair

Pages: [1]
Winnebago "Full Campers" / Worth purchasing a Eurovan with a cracked roofed?
« on: September 30, 2019, 07:39:51 am »
I am looking a purchasing a 2001 Eurovan camper but it has a crack in the roof that has been 'repaired'.

As he puts it:
thermal crack which happened last spring due to a cold night and quick warming in the Sun that morning. Had a VW friend/fabricator weld up a bracket system to support the flex at the pop-top struts and also sealed it back up with Eterna-bond tape and some seam sealer. Its Been great for over a year and even in heavy rain

I am obviously worried about purchasing something with a crack and have not idea how the Eternal-Bond tape job will work. The added metal bracket that runs from the attachment points of the strut lifters and the 'scissor' lifter for the roof look like it may help future stress points.

I am about to purchase a 2001 Eurovan camper and looking for a shop to look it over.  Looking for a shop in both Denver and Boulder.

Also, I thought the 2001 Winnebego full campers had 16" tires and this one has 15"???

Lastly, anything you might recommend that I have checked out or looked at?

Thanks, much appreciated.

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