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Topics - VWEV 2002

Pages: [1]
« on: December 12, 2015, 04:04:28 pm »
I purchased a 2002 vw eurovan in San Francisco in 2012 from a used car dealership. upon returning to New England a year later i purchased a body kit from and had it shipped over from Germany. i then decided to have the van painted with by a local body shop. the first spray resulted in patches of unevenness so they stripped it and reapplied. it still has light and dark patches.  while painting i asked them to fit the body kit. they fit the bumpers but said there was nowhere to mount the skirts on the rocker panels without self tapping screws. with new england weather they won't guarantee the skirts on the rocker against rust  with self tapping screws so i am looking to order these sidebars in place of the skirts to fill in the gap. they mount into existing holes in the chassis . no drilling. upon final inspection of the front bumper, it was so low that it wouldn't clear sidewalks or parking curbs. currently i use the van for work and to carry tools so maybe when i get a second vehicle ill reinstall the body kit. for now the body kit is painted and fitted and stored in the attic. i'm just going to throw up some pics and let it fly.

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